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Your due date
Your Calendar
Your baby is just being conceived !
4 weeks
Your pregnancy test is positive.
6 weeks
You can feel your baby's heart beats.
1st Trimester
14 weeks
Announce your pregnancy.
16 weeks
It's a boy or girl?
18 weeks
Can you feel your baby kicks?
2nd Trimester
37 weeks
Your baby is early term.
39 weeks
Your baby is full term.
40 weeks
Congratulation! Your baby is due!
3nd Trimester
Our Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is ideal for predicting the happy event. For long or short cycles, prepare your pregnancy serenely.
Birth Date Calculation: Pregnancy Due Date Calculator
If it is customary to think that gestation lasts 9 months, the reality is sometimes different. Long or short cycle, by natural route or IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), twins, each woman experiences her pregnancy differently. To anticipate, we invite you to use first and foremost our Ovulation Calculator. Thus, it will be possible to conceive your child in your fertile period. Then, our pregnancy due date calculator will provide you with the entirety of your pregnancy schedule in months or weeks by going through the following steps:
- Your Conception date
- Your Pregnancy Test is positive
- The first heartbeats of the baby
- Your Maternity Announcement
- The date you know the sex of your child
- The first movements
- Its date of “premature”
- The date of the term
- The ideal date of birth