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What is your surface?


Necessary Quantities

Exact global quantity for  m³ to  kg/m³

Cement kg bags of kg
Sand 0/8 kg L
Gravel 8/30 kg L
Water L

Concrete is a mix of materials that you will be able to adapt according to the nature of the work to be carried out. Our tools allow you to calculate the right quantities of materials to be mixed to make foundations, a slab like a terrace.

Determination of the different constituents according to the number of buckets of water

Volume of water Volume of cement Volume of sand Volume of gravel
Concrete for foundations 1 2 5 7
Concrete for anchoring fence posts 1 2 5 7
Concrete for posts 1 2 4 6
Concrete for lintels 1 2 4 6

Required amount of different components to make concrete

Mass of cement Mass of sand Mass of gravel
Concrete for foundations 300 kg 720 kg 1165 kg
Concrete for cleanliness 150 kg 910 kg 1360 kg
Concrete for anchoring fence posts 300 kg 720 kg 1165 kg
Concrete for lintels 350 kg 680 kg 1175 kg
Concrete for posts 350 kg 680 kg 1175 kg

Calculation of the dosage for 1m³

Water Cement Sand Gravel
Concrete for foundations 175 L 350 kg 800 kg 1050 kg
Concrete paving 155 L 300 kg 830 kg 1100 kg
Reinforced concrete 195 L 400 kg 720 kg 980 kg