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Our itinerary calculator tool allows you to estimate your journey time regardless of your means of transport: car, motorbike, car or truck. Thus, get the total distance of your route as well as the expected duration according to the traffic.

Itinerary Calculator with Google Map

In order to offer you an intuitive route calculation tool, we decided to base ourselves on Google Map. Just enter:

  • Your departure address
  • The address of your destination

You get your detailed itinerary with all the different stages of your journey, but also time and total distance. Using Google Maps from your smartphone or iPhone will allow you to follow your route by car.

Print Your Road Map

Once your itinerary is calculated, you can see the route map and all the steps to reach your place of arrival. You can choose to see the map in “map” mode, that is to say synthesized, or in “satellite” mode: that is to say in aerial view.

To make your journey easier, do not hesitate to print your itinerary to reach your goal even if you break down the battery.


How to use the Map for my Itinerary?

To check your itinerary, you can use the Google Maps of our route calculation tool. Thus, you can switch from “map” to “satellite” mode. In “Map” mode, click on “terrain” and the mapping approaches the IGN data. By leaving unchecked, you will find a map similar to Via Michelin. In “satellite” mode, uncheck “label” to enjoy the aerial view without annotation. It is also possible to zoom in by pressing the “+” or to reduce the image by pressing “-“.

Finally, position the yellow character on the map to get a view of the street as if you were there! You will be able to see everything in 360 °.